
Ulrich Sendler
Mauerkircherstr. 30
81679 Munich

Phone: +49 89 9810 7880

Value added tax identification number according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE 143414288
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number): 2193-8415
Contentwise responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Ulrich Sendler

Webdesign: Tina Arendt, MarComs
Image editor: Christoph A. Hellhake, Fotografie


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This website contains links to other offers. We have no control over how the providers of the linked websites handle the information shown on these pages. If the collection, processing or use of personal data is connected with the use of the websites of other providers, please note the privacy policy of the respective provider. If you have any questions, please contact these third parties directly. We are not responsible for compliance with the privacy policy or the content of these web pages.